
音标/读音 ['kinzi]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 金赛(姓氏)

n. United States zoologist best known for his interview studies of sexual behavior (1894-1956)



Kinsey took her fear out of her head.


Kinsey's perfect, but I can't catch a break.

金茜就没事 但我都没法喘口气

Kinsey, you take this new music box one.

金茜 你拿着这枚新的音乐盒钥匙

Kinsey, I know how this is gonna sound, but I think I did step into the mirror once.

金茜 我知道这话听起来不可思议 但我好像真的走进过镜子里

Kinsey puts it upward of 27% of men that have trouble achieving erection.

性学教授金赛说有超过27%的男人 有勃起功能障碍

I'll need you to send a memo to mr. kinsey explaining the change of plans.


Abbi, just so you know, every guy here's gonna be, like, a fourplus on the kinsey scale.

艾比 給你說下 今天要過來的男生都是 金賽量表測試4+