
音标/读音 ['digniti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 尊严, 高贵
[法] 尊严, 高位, 高贵

n. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect
n. formality in bearing and appearance
n. high office or rank or station



They keep trying to take our dignity, but any survivor will tell you they check their dignity at death's door.

他们可以试着夺取我们的尊严 但任何幸存者都会告诉你 他们早就把尊严留在鬼门关了

I would still have my dignity if it wasn't for you.

如果不是為了你 我還能保持尊嚴

We made it through with our dignity.

我们成功走完全程 没有丧失尊严

It's about... It's about dignity. It's about visibility.

这关乎...尊严 地位

They're on the counter, next to your dignity.

它们在柜台上 就在你尊严旁边

If not your dignity. ...to create more cure.

如果不是顾及你面子... 来做解药

So, you care for her dignity no more than you do mine.


He handled the diagnosis with such... dignity.

他对待病痛 是那么从容

We cannot deny her the dignity of choice.


Yeah, I'll go on my own with dignity.

知道了 我会走 带着我的尊严走