
音标/读音 ['intәlәjpә(r)]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 闯入者, 好事者, 无执照营业者
[经] 无执照营业者, 私商

n someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission



Interlopers. I'll have your heads for this.

入侵者们 我要把你们的头拧下来

Not of wearing a dress, but of being an interloper.

不是糗在穿女装 而是你不请自来

Oh, I'm not a guest. I'm a interloper.

我不是邀请来的 我是不速之客

She was a preening interloper who made a spectacle of herself.


I mean, it would be terrible if she saw you as an interloper.

如果她把你当成插足的人 那就糟了

Yeah, well, at least we ditched the interloper.


We were, we were collecting for my shop, whichwhich has been taken over by interlopers.

我们去为我的店收集藏品 而店铺被闯入者占了

She also provides cover in case of interlopers.


An interloper with delusions of power wiped out one of my border checkpoints.

一个自以为有强大力量的入侵者 摧毁了我一个边界关卡

I know it amuses you to cast me as the cultural interloper but actually you're wrong.

我知道你一直覺得我在干涉你們的文化 但是你錯了