
音标/读音 ['єәlum]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 传家宝, 动产继承物
[法] 祖传动产, 传家宝

n. (law) any property that is considered by law or custom as inseparable from an inheritance is inherited with that inheritance
n. something that has been in a family for generations



But can't throw out a family heirloom.


It's an heirloom; the most valuable thing they own.

那是个祖传戒指 是他们最宝贵的东西

We we emailed about my... family heirloom.

我们发过电邮 关于我的传家宝

Tookie, it's an heirloom from my grandfather.

托奇 这是我祖父传下来的传家宝

Oh, I'm so sorry. It's a family heirloom.

真是抱歉 这支笔是祖传的

It's a family heirloom. It belonged to my father.

是祖传的 我父亲传给我的

One of the few heirlooms that survived the revolution.


That's a family heirloom we should never be without.

这是传家宝 可不能丢了

Save the heirloom and your little gokart.

把传家宝留着 还有你的小卡丁车

I didn't enjoy dickering over an heirloom now and then.

对这些传家宝讨价还价 那就是在撒谎