
音标/读音 ['bukwә:m]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 书呆子, 蛀书虫

n. someone who spends a great deal of time reading



Mmmore of a bookworm than a bruiser.

我比较喜欢看书 不喜欢运动

But then, I guess termites aren't bookworms.

再说了 这些白色的小虫子可不是书虫来着

Well, you came into these woods a bookworm.


To the loveliest, richest bookworms I know.


I'm a bookworm. I've read a lot in my time.

我是个书虫 我花很多时间读书

I'm not a shy bookworm. I'm not a genius like you two.

我不是一个害羞的书虫 我不是像你们一样的天才

That man needed to get away from that blithering bookworm.


Some...some ‭secretly athletic bookworm to carry us to victory.

比如一个私下里其实很有运动天赋的书呆子 带领我们走向胜利

According to the sign, the bookworm should've been open two hours ago.

根据门口的指示牌 书店应该两小时前就开门了

I'm one of the few guys who waits till after college to become a goddamn bookworm.

我是那少数几个 等上完大学之后才求知若渴的家伙