
音标/读音 ['kilәjmi:tә(r)]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 公里, 千米

n a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters (or 0.621371 miles)



So we have three such detectors, one here, one twenty kilometres in this direction, one twenty kilometres in this direction.

我们有三个这样的检测器 这里一个 这个方向二十千米处一个 这个方向二十千米处一个

If you can imagine that you have a cubic kilometre of rock being stressed or the currents translate into thousands, ten thousand, sometimes hundreds of thousands of amperes that could flow out of a cubic kilometre of rock.

可以想象 如果一块1立方千米的岩石被加压 电流会转化成上千上万 甚至数十万安培 流出这1立方千米的岩石

It could go down thousands of kilometres.


12 kilometres, I believe we're in here somewhere.

走了12公里 我认为我们在这附近

Almost a kilometre from top to bottom.


We're talking of more than 800 kilometres of land when it's finished.

这堵墙完工后 将长达800千米

I passed a bread line that stretched over a kilometre.


600 kilometres from the nearest paved road.


It's hard to imagine what a 180 billion kilometres is.


In a magnitude five, it travels out for a kilometre or two.

5级地震的时候 延伸1至2千米