
音标/读音 ['driәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 沉闷的

s lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise
s causing dejection



Let's not talk about work. It's so dreary.

还是别说工作了 太乏味了

It's dreary, but at least it's close.

那里很乏味 但至少挺近的

Surely it's better than this dreary stalemate.

诚然 那比这无聊的僵局要好

Their lives seemed kind of dreary, to be honest.

老实说 我觉得他们的生活很枯燥

Oh, let's get some light in here, it's so dreadfully dreary.

来点光吧 这里沉闷得太可怕了

It's so good to be away from that dreary little town.


Never shortened a dreary ball by so much as a minute.


Writing that same dreary column on how to keep the body beautiful.

还在写那个枯燥的专栏 如何使身体保持美丽

I still don't understand why we keep circling this dreary village.

我还是不明白 我们干嘛要在这个破败的村子里绕圈

I can't wait to get you out of this dreary inn and into a suite at court.

我都等不及要带你离开这个沉闷的客栈 搬去宫廷里的寝殿了