
音标/读音 ['hwimpә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 抽泣, 呜咽, 啜泣, 哭诉
vi. 呜咽, 啜泣, 抽噎地哭
vt. 呜咽着说, 啜泣着说

n. a complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way



I can't make it out above all your whimpering.


Not so much with a bang, more with a whimper.

并没有多大声响 只是小声叫了下

I'm going out with a bang, not a whimper.

我要死得痛快一点 不能那么痛苦

With that snivelling kitchen maid whimpering after him.


Disgusted. I'm disgusted by all this whimpering selfpity.

恶心 我被这种 哭哭啼啼的自怜自艾恶心到了

Sounds like the whimper of whipped dogs.


and you stop whimpering about everything for five minutes.


Yeah, it was like he was whimpering like a pigeon.

嗯 就像鸽子一样在呜咽

And so, a booty call that started with a whimper, ended with a bang.

就这样 *之约虽然开局不利 却仍然圆满落幕

You mewed and whimpered in that *ing tent till you had me all turned around.

你在那帐篷里哭得稀里哗啦 让我起了恻隐之心